Flying might not be the cheapest way to move from one place to another. Nonetheless, you do not have to spend a fortune flying as there are lots of promo flight deals. Now, it is one thing to realize that there are promo flight deals and another thing to know how to get these promo flight deals.

If you are looking to book promo flight deals there are certain questions you will need to have an answer to as having answers to such questions will go a long way in making this possible. Furthermore, some sites and apps can help you stay informed about existing promo flight deals. One of these sites is


Which site is the cheapest for airline tickets?


To get promo flight de to anywhere, you need to be aware of the sites where you can get cheap flight deals. There are lots of sites that you can depend on when looking to get cheap flight deals. However, of all these cheap sites, momondo is the site you can trust the most for cheap flight deals. According to “you are wasting time and money if you don’t point your browser directly to”. There are lots of reasons for this and one of them is the way momondo’s website was designed. Momondo’s website is very user-friendly. This implies that you do not need to be tech-savvy to find your way around this site.

On momondo, you can discover cheap flight deals that are missed by other travel websites. That’s not all. On momondo, booking flight tickets is fun and interesting. When you work with momondo, you can be sure to get the cheapest flight because this site can be relied on to search for various flight prices and compare them with each other before finally releasing them to you. Furthermore, you are certain to enjoy a good dose of transparency by booking your flights with momondo. This is because on momondo, you do not get a price that has anything to do with the number of searches you carry out.

When you make use of momondo, you do not have to pay any fee. In addition to this, there are no hidden charges associated with this site.
By making use of momondo, travelers can have an overview of the options open to them. One thing travelers should note is momondo is not a site where you can purchase travel tickets. It is simply a site that shows you the prices of travel tickets and provides links to sites where you can actually buy tickets.


Is It Cheaper to Buy a Plane Ticket at the Last Minute?


While it is popularly believed that if you book an airline ticket late, you will be paying more than those that booked earlier, cheap flight deals can be gotten anytime. Although the notion of paying more for late airline tickets is widespread, it is not entirely true. This notion, however, is fuelled by the fact that all things being equal, for each flight, airlines make a number of cheap flight deals for certain seats. As soon as these seats get sold, the price of other seats generabecomescome more expensive. Airlines are aware of the fact that people going on business trips have a reputation for booking their seats when time is almost out and will pay anything just to be on a flight as they have a business meeting to catch and do not have the time to target cheap flight deals. Due to this, it is almost normal to assume booking earlier will help you get cheap flight deals.

Now this is actually the way it is most times. There are, however, times when things are actually different. There are certain situations in which booking late can help you get cheap flight deals. In some instances, about three weeks before travelingling, flight fares are cheaper than tickets bout about six months earlier.

Although this is possible, for it to become a reality, you will have to wait patiently for the prices of tickets to fall.
There are lots of reasons why the prices of flight tickets vary. However, irrespective of the reason for the change in price of tickets, passenger demands always has a hand.

Flight routes are not covered by one airline at a time. Various airlines cover the same route. More often than not, they leave around the same time. This implies that people making long journeys can leave around the same time irrespective of the airline they patronize. This simple phenomenon has an effect on the final price of airline tickets. If there is a change in the price of tickets from a certain airline, there is a likelihood that others will follow suite. As an increase in the booking rate of a flight increases, the price of such flight will increase. There, however, will be a drastic decrease in the price of flight tickets if an airline is of the opinion that booking levels are not where they should be as the date of the flight approaches.

If you are aware of the available promo flight deals, you wom’t have to depend on this notion to get cheap flight deals.

Do Flight Prices go down on Tuesday?


How to Book Promo and Cheap Flight Deals to Anywhere


It might appear like the day of the week has got nothing to do with the cost of tickets. Contrary to this notion, the cost of flight tickets go through a constant cycle. This cycle is weekly and one that favors those that want to travel earlier in the week. All things being equal, the cost of flying reduces as the week begins and increases as the week comes to an end.

Usually, lots of airlines launch discounts on Monday nights. This implies that those buying tickets on Tuesdays will pay less than those that bought flight tickets on Monday and over the weekend. If you buy your flight ticket on Tuesday, you will be paying less for the ticket by up to 25 percent.

With the right promo flight deals, you can get cheap flight deals by anytime of the week.


What is the best app for finding cheap flights?


A knowledge of the best app for finding cheap flights will not only help you discover promo flight deals, it will also help you get cheap flight deals. There are lots of apps for finding cheap flights. However, of all these apps, sky scanner app can be said to be the best for people that are looking to get cheap flight deals.

If you will be flying soon and are looking to save some money, one way to do this is through the use of Sky scanner app. While this app can go a long way in helping you get the cheapest price for a flight, you will need a level of flexibility to make use of it.

To make use of the sky scanner app, you need to fill in your destination, as well as your departure airport in the space provided. This should be followed by two dates. Once you are done with this, go on and begin a search. Just under the search box is an important step which you should follow just after beginning your search.

Under the departure date, a box with the inscription “show whole month” will pop up. With this inscription, you can have a look at all available flights for a period of a month. In this 30 day period, you will come across a certain day which will be cheaper to fly than other days.

Although the skyscanner app is the best app to get cheap flight deals, there are lots of trusted apps that can help you with promo flight deals.

Which Airline is the Cheapest?


To get promo flight deals each time you want to travel, you should have a knowledge of the cheapest airline to fly with. While various airlines can lead you to your destination in one piece, the many available airlines are not the same. There are those that offer promo flight deals and those that cater to the rich. This means not all airlines can be trusted to provide cheap flight deals. If you are running on a budget and want to make a trip by air, you can depend on Spirit airlines to make that happen. With its head office in Florida, spirit airline is a budget airline and is ideal for those that are not willing to spend so much on a flight. If you are looking to fly with Spirit airlines, it is important that you note that extras such as food and drinks will have to be paid for separately if you need them.


Do Flight Prices Change Daily?


Flight prices change very frequently. However, theses changes in flight prices necessarily do not occur on a daily basis. The changes in flight prices are dependent on so many factors and due to this, they can change by any time of the day or the week. Some of the factors that have a very strong influence on the price of flight tickets are the popularity of the route, the demand for flight tickets, the time of the year, the time of the week, etc. All these factors put together can make the price of flight tickets change very rapidly. They, however, do not really make the price of flight tickets change daily.


Do flight Prices Go down Closer to Date?


How to Book Promo and Cheap Flight Deals to Anywhere

If there will be a single answer to this question that answer in “NO”. Cheap flight deals are not necessarily gotten as the date of a flight approaches. This is because as the date for a flight draws closer, there is a huge likelihood that those that will book tickets are business people that need to attend business meetings in a different country or another part of town and do not have the time to negotiate price. Although the fact that business people are known to book their tickets latest has a strong effect on the direction flight prices take as the date for a flight draws closer, there are other factors which dictate the direction price of flight tickets go. Now, irrespective of the direction flight price goes towards the date of a flight and the factors at work, the major law which determines whether flight tickets become more expensive or cheaper as the date of a flight approaches is the law of demand and supply.

All the factors which affect the direction the price of flight tickets go are under the law of demand and supply. If the destination of a flight is quite a popular destination, as the date of the flight approaches, demand will never stop increasing. Due to this, the price of tickets will become more expensive. However, if a flight destination is not popular, there is a huge likelihood that the flight will not be full before the departure date. Due to this, most airlines will reduce the price of flightsto encourage more people to fly. Furthermore, in special periods such as Christmas and thanksgiving where there are lots of reunions, the price of flight tickets increase just before departure as demand is usually higher than supply. With this in mind, if you will be flying during Thanksgiving or Christmas, it is best you book your ticket way before the time to fly.


What Time of the Day is best to Book Flights?


While promo flight deals can be gotten at any time of the day, there are some days you are most likely going to get cheap flight deals. Although it is generally believed that Tuesdays are perfect for booking flights. This is not usually the case. The time of the day that is best for booking flights is dependent on lots of factors. While these many factors have a role to play in the cost of flight tickets, traffic is usually lowest between early Tuesday morning and late on Thursdays. The reason for this is simple. There is usually a high demand for flight tickets as weekend approaches and as the week begins. This implies that people travelling between Friday evening and Monday morning will pay more for flight tickets than people travelling between Tuesday and Thursdays. While there is no best time to book a flight ticket, your chances of getting cheaper flight ticket is higher between Tuesday and Thursday.


How Far in Advance Should I Book a Flight to Get the Best Deal?


How to Book Promo and Cheap Flight Deals to Anywhere

There are lots of rules governing how far ahead one can book a ticket before they fly. While these rules sometimes differ slightly and other times differ markedly, no one is absolutely correct and another completely wrong. This is because airlines depend on computer algorithms and due to this, it is quite impossible to be certain of rules as far as booking flights are concerned. Although there is no guarantee of the rule to stick to when booking flight tickets, there are certain rules that are right more frequently.

How far in advance you can book a flight is dependent greatly on the time of the year, as well as your flight destination. While you can never be sure of how far in advance you can book a flight and get the best deal, you can depend on the several available flight apps to help you with this. This apps will help you discover promo flight deals. This way, you can always get cheap flight deals.

When travelling for holidays, if you want cheap flight deals, it is best that you book your flights about five weeks before you intend to travel. This is ideal for holidays that are not regarded as major holidays. However, when traveling for such holidays as New Year and Christmas that are regarded as major holidays, you might get the best flight deals when you book your flights about two months before your flight date. Now, it is important to note that booking farther than two weeks before your journey does not mean you will get cheaper prices

The rules that apply to traveling for holidays do not apply when travelling to vacation hotspots. If you are travelling for vacation but your destination is a place that is frequently traversed, it is best to buy your ticket a month before you intend to travel. However, if your vacation destination is a region that is a vacation hotspot, to get the best flight ticket, you might have to book for your flight about three months before the date you intend to travel.


When is the Best Time to Book a Flight?


It quite appears you can get better value for your money by booking your flight at a certain time. In as much as this notion is very widespread, there is no exact time to book your flight which can be regarded as the best time. Promo flight deals can be enjoyed anytime.

If you fly regularly, you must have come across such advice as booking in the morning can help you get cheaper flight deals, avoiding Friday night bookings will help you pay less, booking on Tuesday morning or noon will help you get good value for money. While the time of the day you book a flight counts a lot, its influence on the amount you pay for a flight ticket is not absolute.
There are various times to book a flight ticket if you do not want to spend so much. However, of all these times, Tuesday midnights are regarded as the best. You can save up to 6% by booking a flight ticket on Tuesday midnight. While this is regarded as the norm, there are certain routes that are not affected by this rule.



Do Flight Prices go up on Fridays?


If there is a best time to book a flight, then, theoretically, there is a worst time to book a flight. According to research, all things being equal, the price of flight tickets increase by up to 3% by midnight on Fridays. This occurs because of the demand for flight tickets increases on Fridays. As weekend approaches, people tend to move to a different location to spend the weekend and this has a toll on the price of flight tickets.

While Fridays appear to be the worst day to book a flight, you can still get a promo flight deal on Friday. The laws which govern the prices of flight tickets on certain times of the day and certain days of the week are only averagely true. This implies that they do not necessarily affect all routes.


Do Prices Change at Midnight?


According to surveys, the increase, as well as the decrease in the price of flight tickets which occur during the week take place in the midnight. All things being equal, on Tuesday midnights, flight tickets become cheaper. Also, they become more expensive on Friday midnight. The implication of this is if you are looking to book cheap flight tickets during the week, while there is no guarantee to what time of the week to make this a reality, the best time of the week to give this a try is on Tuesday midnight.


Is Sunday a Good Day to Buy Airline Tickets?


It is generally believed that Tuesday is a perfect day for buying flight tickets. Due to this notion, there is an ever increasing demand for flight tickets on Tuesday and this has affected the balance of things. If you have to book during weekends, ensure you avoid booking for flights on Saturdays and Fridays. This is because on Sundays, the price of tickets gradually begin reducing therefore, making Sundays the best time to book tickets during the weekend.


Will Flights Get Cheaper if I Wait?


As an individual that is looking to get cheap flight tickets, the best option might not be to wait. There are lots of reasons why you should not wait. One of them is the prices of tickets are usually not determined by humans. They are determined by computer algorithms which are in turn dependent on the law of demand and supply. The only times when computer algorithms do not dictate what the price of flight tickets is are when humans make decisions based on what is obtainable at a particular time.
As the time for a flight approaches, if there are still lots of tickets left unsold, then, there will be a reduction in the price of flight tickets. However, if the flight tickets are being bought as expected, the longer you wait, the more likely you are to buy a flight ticket for an increased price.


Do Flight Tickets Ever go down?


Although quite rare, there are times when flight tickets go down. Usually, flight tickets can go down if there are not enough people to fill a flight and the management of an airline wants to ensure that such flight gets filled. Also, there are times when a group of people that have already booked a flight cancel or reschedule, thereby, causing the flight to be empty. When situations like this occur, instead of flying empty, airlines reduce the price of flight tickets so more customers can book flights.


Why are Last Minute Flights So Expensive?


More often than not, last-minute flights are the most expensive flights obtainable. This occurs because they are usually paid for by business people that already have a scheduled meeting and are ready to pay any price to get to where they have to be. Unlike business people, people going for holidays can always reschedule their flights if prices do not favor them.