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Tsinghua University Schwarzman Scholarship for Students Across the World

Provider: Tsinghua University Deadline: 15 September 2016
Level: Post graduate Student Value: Tuition fees and other fees

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Tsinghua University, Beijing, China is giving opportunities for students with academic proficiency to earn a one-year Master’s Degree programme purely on scholarship. The fields of study are Public Policy, Economic and Business, and International Studies.
The deadline for the application of scholarship is September 15, 2016.
Each scholarship makes provision for tuition fees, travel to and from Beijing at the beginning and end of academic year, in-country study tour, recommended course books, Lenovo laptop and smartphone, health insurance and a moderate personal allowance.
Interested applicants must hold a first degree from an accredited college or university and must be between 18 and 29 years old as of August 1, 2017. However, there are no requirements for a specific field of undergraduate study but applicants must state how participating in the Schwarzman Scholarship will develop their leadership potential with their field.
For more information, please click on the link below

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