What is ticket price from Nigeria to USA

Ticket price from Nigeria to the USA: the USA is one of the most visited countries in the world. It is a fun place to be. The country can boast of schools that offer quality education, a good healthcare system, and a hub for businesses. Nigerians traveling to the USA, go there for different reasons. …

Saudi Embassy in Nigeria Contact Address

Saudi Embassy in Nigeria Contact Address Saudi embassy in Nigeria: Nigerians who wants to travel to Saudi Arabia can visit any of the Saudi Arabian consulates in Nigeria. Saudi Arabia is popularly known as the home for Muslim faithfuls that usually visit there to perform the annual Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage. Saudi Arabia is one …

What is Nigerian Passport Book Number

What is Nigerian Passport Book Number Nigeria passport book number: A passport book number is one of the valid documents or requirements that must be provided when you begin a visa application process. Nigeria passport book number is a form of identification for any Nigerian passport holder. With the passport book number, you can easily …

5 things you should know before applying for a Conference Visa

Things to know before applying for a conference visa: Basically, travelers who need to visit and stay in a foreign country for a short time frame for the sole purpose of attending a conference will need a conference visa. However, before applying for a conference visa, it is pertinent you know that conference visa application …

List of Visa Free countries for Nigerian Citizens

Every one craves to travel, to see new places and mingle with people of different cultures and origins, but with the advancement of technology, a lot of restrictions have made traveling quite harder. For example, before the citizen of a particular country can leave his or her country to another one, he or she must …

How to secure visa to any country in 2020

Welcome to our 2020 edition of visa hacks. If you have tried to secure visa in the past with no success, then you need to bookmark this page as we are about to tell you how to do it right in 2020. Also, if you will be applying for visa soon, then this Visa Hacks …

How to get an Ideal Bank Statement for Visa

Getting an ideal bank statement for visa requires that you understand what the embassy is looking for when reviewing the submitted bank statement. When applying for a visa, a bank statement is one of the required documents to be provided. A bank statement is a record that shows the financial transactions that occurred within a …

Top 5 places to get conference for visa application

Places to get a conference for visa application: You will need a conference visa if you are planning to travel to a foreign country for events such as conferences or seminars. Getting a conference visa or a visa meant for that purpose depending on the country; requires you to present a letter of invitation and …

Schengen Visa Refusal: Why Your Visa Application was refused

The content of this article has been aided by the german embassy publication released in 2017 with the intention to educate us on the reasons Schengen visa applications are refused and how to avoid them. We have taken it further and make it more comprehensive for all. We have also provided a link to the …

What are Belgium visa requirements in Nigeria?

Are you hoping to be in Belgium in the next couple of days or weeks, but you don’t know what it takes to get your visa application form approved? Never mind, we have got you covered as we are going to cover up the complete Belgium visa requirements in Nigeria in this article. You might …