It is easy to know the current Belgium visa fee is Nigeria. Read on for information about how to do this. This post also shares details about the visa fee payment and Belgium visa requirements in Nigeria.


What is Belgium visa application fee?

Belgium visa fee is a combination of all the charges that the Belgium visa application attracts. When applying for visa, the embassy expends resources on verifying applicants’ documents and stamping applicants’ passports with sticker visas. The visa fee covers all these.

The fee is non-refundable, in case an applicant withdraws visa application or gets denied.  And while the visa fee payment is compulsory, some Nigerian applicants do not have to pay the visa fee.

These applicants are:

  • Six-year old children or younger.
  • Children, spouses or parents of Belgian citizens.
  • 25-year old, or younger, members of recognised non-profit organisations visiting Belgium to attend conference.
  • European Union nationals’ family members.
  • Research scientist visiting Belgium to conduct research works.

If you belong to any of the above, contact the Belgian embassy to verify that you qualify for visa fee waiver. The visa fee payment is accepted by VFS Global, the Belgium immigration partner for visa application processing in Nigeria.


Belgium visa fee

How much is Belgium visa fee in Nigeria?

If you want to know how much the Belgium visa fee is in Nigeria, click the following button:

Visa Fee Calculator


The duration of your trip, as well as visa type, determines how much you would pay. Read more on the different types of Belgium visas for Nigerian travelers to help you determine your ideal visa type. See our guide on how to apply for Belgium study visa and how to apply for Belgium tourist visa.


How to pay Belgium visa fee in Nigeria?

When you have arranged your documents and ready to submit them, you pay the visa fee at the submission centre. Visit the VFS Global office in Lagos or Abuja for payment and application submission.



You can plan your application better if you know how much the Belgium visa fee is. Use the free visa fee calculator to discover the visa fee. You may contact the embassy of Belgium in Nigeria if you think that you qualify for visa fee waiver.

For details on Belgium visa requirement in Nigeria, see how to apply for study visa or how to apply for tourist visa.


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