The quality of education in Europe might be said to be top-notch. That, however, cannot be said about the quality of education in lots of developing countries. Due to this, for better quality education, it is now a norm for students from developing countries to move to Europe. While the quality of education in Europe is better than what is obtainable in most developing countries, the cost of education is generally higher and one that people from developing countries might struggle to afford. While university education in Europe is not so cheap, there are certain countries that have a university education system that is not so expensive.
That being said, if you are interested in studying in Europe as an international student, you are on the right page. Read on to find out what the 20 cheapest countries to study in Europe for international students are.
Study in Estonia
Estonia is a country that used to be a part of the Soviet Union. It is made up of over 1,500 islands and is a perfect place for international students that are looking for countries in Europe where they can get good and affordable education. Although Estonian is the official language of Estonia, there are many degree programs in this country that are taught in English.
The tuition fees that international students studying in Estonia have to pay is very low. This includes the fees for Masters Programs, as well as that for Bachelors programs. Apart from medicine student which pay more than 1660 Euros annually, other international students in Estonia pay 1660 Euro.
While the average fee for students studying in Estonia is 1660 Euro, there are certain people that do not have to pay tuition fees. These people include international students with exceptional academic performances and those with financial difficulties.
Although the low tuition fees international students have to pay is great, that’s not all. The cost of living in Estonia is also low and can be easily afforded by students.
Study in Cyprus
Cyprus is geographically in Asia. It, however, is a part of the EU. This, therefore, makes it a country in Europe. There are 12 major universities in Cyprus and these universities attend to the academic needs of over 6, 000 international students. The quality of education in Cyprus is great. In addition to this, university education in Cyprus is also affordable.
The amount that international students in Cyprus have to pay is a lot dependent on the University and the type of degree. All things being equal, international undergraduate students in Cyprus pay less than 3500 Euros annually. This is with the exception of pharmacy. Tuition fee is even less for postgraduate students as they have to pay between 2000 to 2500 Euros annually.
In addition to the affordable tuition fees, the cost of living in Cyprus is also affordable.
Lithuania is a European country that is popular for the quality of education it offers. This country does not just provide good quality education, it also offers its visitors a good standard of living at a low cost.
Lithuania receives more than 3,000 international students annually and has more than 15 higher institutions to accommodate them
Study in Turkey

The quality of education in Turkey is high and can be compared to that of any country in any part of the world. While studying in Turkey as an international student, you can choose to have your classes in the official language of Turkey or in English.
The tuition fee for international students in Turkey is dependent on the type of institution and course of study. Privately funded universities and known to be more expensive than publicly funded universities International students studying in state universities in Turkey can pay a tuition fee of about 600 dollars per annum.
Study in Belgium
Belgium might not be one of the most famous countries in Europe, it, however, is a great place for international students to study. The capital city of Belgium, Brussels, alongside other major cities in Belgium host universities where international students can study without parting with so much money. That’s not all. In addition to the cheap tuition fee that is paid in universities in Belgium, cities in Belgium are not financially demanding for international students. Although the cost of living in Brussels and other cities in Belgium is low, the standard of living is high.
With a tuition fee of $1,500 annually, international students can get good quality education in Belgium. Some of the universities where these students can apply to are Université Libre DE capital of BELGIUM (ULB), Vrije Universitei Brussel (VUB) and University in Leuven, Belgium.
Study in Italy
With an average tuition fee of $1000, international students can get top quality education in Italy. There are lots of Italian universities that are open to international students and do not charge a fortune. In addition to the low tuition fees that international students that are interested in studying in Italy have to pay, universities in Italy make accommodation available at very affordable prices.
While the standard of education in Italy is generally high, there are certain courses that are best studied in Italian universities. These courses cover areas such as humanities, history, and fashion.
If you are interested in attending a university in Italy as an international student, some of the universities you should apply to include; Universitu of Roma La Sapienza, University of Rome Tor Vergata, technical school University of Milano, University of Bologna, etc.
Study in Hungary
As an international student that is looking to study in Europe, one country you should put into consideration is Hungary. In Hungary, not only is university tuition very affordable, the standard of education is high and the cost of living is not high. The average tuition fee in universities in Hungary is $1000.
Although the fact that university tuition fees in Hungary is affordable is very good news to international student, it does not end at that. There are lots of scholarship slots available to international students that are interested in studying in Hungary. The implication of this is even if you do not have the funds to attend any university in Hungary, you can apply for one of the scholarship packages that are available to international students.
Some of the universities in Hungary that international students can apply to include; Eötvös Loránd University, University of Szeged, University of Debrecen, and Corvinus University of capital of Hungary.
Study in Germany
As an international student that is looking to study in Europe, one of the best places to get affordable good quality education is Germany. In many parts of Germany, International students, as well as German nationals do not have to pay tuition fees to obtain good quality education. While this can be said to be the norm, there are regions in Germany where tuition fees have to be paid. In this regions, the fees paid for tuition are usually less than $1000.
Beyond the fact that education for international students is free for most parts and cheap in areas where tuition fees have to be paid, the cost of living in lots of German cities is not as expensive as the living cost in lots of famous European cities. The implication of this is in addition to spending little to nothing on education, not much will be spent in day-to-day living by international students in Germany.
If you have any plans of studying in Germany, it is important that you know some of the best universities for international students. With this in mind, when visiting Germany for study purpose, some of the universities you should plan to attend include Ludwig Maximilian University of city, Technische Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Technical University, Munich, and Freie Universität Berlin.
Study in Finland
Prior to now, Finland was one of the countries known to offer lots of tuition-free packages to international students. Although these packages no longer exist, Finland is still one of the cheapest countries to study in Europe. Finland is not necessarily one of the cheapest places to study because of tuition fees are cheap. It is a cheap place to study for international students that choose to study in Finnish instead on doing so in English.
Some universities in Finland where international students can get good quality education are University of capital of Finland and designer university.
Study in France
France might be home to one of the most expensive cities in Europe, it, however, is a country where international students can get top quality education at an affordable rate. With an annual tuition fee of $1,000, international students can get good quality education in France.
Although the cost of living in France is generally regarded as high, there are affordable accommodations for international students.
Some of the universities in France where international students can get good quality education at an affordable price are Ecole Normale Superrieure DE metropolis, University in metropolis, France, and Université Jean Moulin metropolis.
Study in Austria
With an average tuition fee of $1,000, international students can study in some of the best universities in Austria. Although public university education is not expensive in Austria, international students from developing nations can have good quality education Austria without the need to pay any tuition fee. Apart from 17.50 in Euros which international students from developing nations have to pay every semester, they will not need to pay for their education.
In addition to the cheap tuition fee for international students and the free education that students from developing countries can have access to, life for college students in Austria is also very affordable.
In Austria, there is a major difference between what international students from other European countries pay and what international students from other parts of the world have to pay. While this seems like much, the amount that international students from outside Europe pay is still very affordable.
Some universities in Austria that international students can apply to are Leopold-Franzens-Universität check Innsbruck, University of national capital, and University of city.
Study in Sweden
Sweden offers a good standard of living alongside tuition-free education for international PhD students. Furthermore, regular international students have access to partial scholarships.
Some universities in Sweden where international students can apply to are Royal Institute of Technology, Metropolis University, the Stockholm college of political economy, Karolinska Institute, and Urban Center University.
Study in Norway
As an international student that is searching for a country where you can offer postgraduate courses without paying tuition fees, Norway is one country that you should have in mind as international students that are offering postgraduate courses in this country do not have to pay tuition fee.
In addition to international students offering postgraduate courses, regular students that have to pay tuition fees do not have to part with more than 80,000 NOK annually. Furthermore, the standard of living in Norway is high for the amount you have to part with to live well. While the average cost of living for people in Norway is high, this cost of living does not affect students. Why is this so? The reason for this is international students in Norway pay a compulsory tax which is known as the student union fee. Once this tax is paid, things such as transportation and other activities that normally should cost students a lot of money become discounted.
If you are interested in applying to any university in Norway but have no idea of the available universities, you can apply to the University of metropolis, University of Christiania, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Study in Portugal
International students in Portugal do not only get to enjoy quality education at an affordable rate, they also get to live very well without spending so much. Portugal is not a big country. Nonetheless, five of its universities make it to the list of some of the best universities in the world. This is a testimony of the quality of education that it offers and what international students stand to benefit without even needing to spend so much.
Study in Netherlands
Netherlands is not just a beautiful country. It is a country where international students can get good quality education at an affordable price. While there are certain universities in Europe that offer free education to international students, Netherlands does not make it to the list of these countries. Nonetheless, the amount that international students have to pay to get god quality education in this country is not one that will cause them to undergo any strain financially.
Study in Luxembourg
With a population of about 500, 000 people, Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in the world. While its very small population can be deceptive, Luxembourg is one of the best places for international students to study. This country is focused on its educational sector and this reflects in the quality of education it offers.
University education in Luxembourg is very affordable for both locals and international students. Furthermore, there are hostels for international students which are very affordable.
Study in Greece
Greece is known to be home to some of the oldest universities in the world. While these might be common knowledge, it is also a great place for international students that are in search of good quality and affordable university education.
In addition to the cheap tuition fees which international students need to pay, the cost of living in Greece is also very cheap.
Although getting good quality education in Greece is great, this can be spiced up with lots of opportunities to see some of the breath-taking sites that are existent in Greece.
Study in Bulgaria
Bulgaria might not be the best country in Europe to study every course. It, however, is one place international students that are looking to study medicine can get the best education without paying a premium fee. There are lots of medical schools in Bulgaria and these many medical schools have a reputation for hosting international students from all over the world.
In addition to the cheap tuition fees that international medical students in Bulgaria have to pay, these students can choose to either study in English or in Bulgarian. They also get to live in a peaceful environment and enjoy good social amenities without having to part with so much funds.
Study in Poland
Poland is definitely not of the famous countries in Europe, it, however is a country that is home to over 17 Nobel laureates. In addition to the good number of Nobel laureates in this country, Poland is open to international students and has lots of universities that they can make a choice from. Furthermore, tuition fees in Poland is low and the cost of living for students is also very affordable.
Study in Russia
Russia might not seem like a country where international students will love to study. It, however, is a country that has some of the best medical schools in Europe and international students can benefit from those schools without having to pay premium tuition fees.
In addition to the low tuition fees that international students have to pay before studying in Russia, International students can work and study. This, therefore, makes the entire process smoother.
Which Country is Cheapest for International Students?
The cheapest country for international students to study is Germany. Tuition in Universities in Germany is about $1000.
Which Countries offer Free Masters for International Students?
Some countries where masters students can get free tuition are Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Poland Czech Republic, Austria, Iceland, and Germany.
Which Countries offer free education in Europe?
Some of the countries in Europe where free education can be obtained are Norway, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Austria, Greece, and France.
Which Country is best for International Students?
There are lots of countries where international students can get very good quality education. However, of these countries, Germany is considered the best. This is because of the low tuition fees which international students have to pay in exchange for good quality education, as well as the low cost of living which many German cities are associated with.
Which is the Cheapest Country to Study MBA
There are lots of countries where MBA is very affordable. However, of these many countries, the cheapest place to study MBA is Germany. This is because in Germany, over 40 of the universities are ranked. Of these 40 universities, nine are ranked as one of the best according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankins for 2016-2017.
Which Country is best for Job and Study?
As an international student, there are many countries where you can work and study. However, if you have to make a choice of the best country to work and study, Sweden is that country. In Sweden, as an international student, there are no limitations to how many hours you can put into working so long your studies are not affected.
Which Country has most Job Opportunities?
A lot of countries of the world are growing rapidly economically and due to this rapid growth, these countries need professionals from other parts of the world to make up their work force. Although lots of countries in the world currently have ample job opportunities, the country with the most job opportunities is Singapore.