What is Nigerian Passport Book Number

Nigeria passport book number: A passport book number is one of the valid documents or requirements that must be provided when you begin a visa application process. Nigeria passport book number is a form of identification for any Nigerian passport holder. With the passport book number, you can easily track a person’s file/document.
A passport book number is unique and often times, is required when filling a visa form and some other documents for record keeping. A passport number can only be issued when you secure a Nigerian passport that will be used for Nigerian citizens to travel outside of Nigeria. There are different types of Nigerian passports, the standard Nigeria passport (Green cover and electronic passport (e-passport)

What is passport book number in Nigeria?

passport book number in Nigeria

Every Nigerian passport holder has a unique number attached to a passport booklet that can never be repeated or found with another person. Nigeria passport book number contains eight digits and a letter that is positioned at the top right side of your International passport. Nigeria passport book number is very vital. This number can never be repeated or seen in another person’s passport page. Nigerian passport number can be used for the following: When applying for a visa. One of the documents you are to provide is a data page of your international page that contains the passport book number. Also, when renewing your international passport, it is with the passport book number they will use to locate your credentials that is already saved in the system.

What is passport/travel document number in Nigeria?

travel document number in Nigeria

Basically, the passport number is a mode of identification of a passport holder which automatically acts as a travel document number. This is meant to be kept safe as it would be used for identifying your passport for visa filling and other purposes. When the passport booklet expires, damaged or stolen, it is the passport/travel document number that will be used to track your information and then produce a new copy. This is why a passport booklet must be kept safe.

Difference between passport number and passport book number in Nigeria

Nigeria passport book number is the only number you will see at the top right side of your passport booklet. The number is alphanumeric and generated specifically for a Nigerian citizen. In some countries, a passport book number and a passport number might be a two different thing. But the case is not so in Nigeria. Nigeria passport book number and that of a passbook number in Nigeria are the same, as there are no other numbers in the Nigerian passport.

Important note:
When your Nigerian passport booklet is stolen or damaged, please report to the necessary authority. If it stolen, report to any police station. If it destroyed by fire, then report to fire service department. When you report the incident, you will be get a case number, also a sworn affidavit which you will take to any of the Nigerian immigration service (NIS).
Your passport is very important. You can write down your passport book number somewhere. Nigeria passport book number provides information such as name, date of birth, place of birth, gender passport validity, and country of issuance.